
COSMIC DETECTIVE a graphic novel by Lemire, Kindt, Rubin

Created by Matt Kindt

An original sci-fi graphic novel by Jeff Lemire + Matt Kindt + David Rubîn. Oversized hardcover and 192 pages of cosmic mayhem!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 11:42:06 AM

Hello, all! Just wanted to post a quick update! David has finished over 70 pages -- currently working on color and we're on pace for having the entire book done by January 2021 and to printer ideally shipping to you by Spring 2021!

Here's a mysterious character -- no spoilers -- and a hint at some of the new art - who is this guy?! 

Mystery Man(?)

In the meantime -- Jeff and I have been SUPER busy -- we have a TON of new projects currently in the works or about to be released...congrats to Jeff on the Sweet Tooth TV deal! 

I'm currently writing approximately 100 pages a month worth of new comics - to be announced - and I'm getting ready to send final art on the MIND MGMT board game to the printer this week -- probably the toughest art/design job I've ever done in my life. There are so many secret messages in it -- and easter eggs and alternate ways to read/play's insane. Even the rulebook has hidden message that require decoding. 

Rulebook page with multiple hidden codes to be deciphered.

Stay tuned! We will post more art periodically as David works his way through it!

-matt, jeff, and david

almost 4 years ago – Mon, Jun 08, 2020 at 08:27:11 AM

Hello all! Just wanted to post an update to hopefully answer the most-asked questions all at once...

1. I missed the Kickstarter? Is it too late to get in on it?

Not too late. We will be using Backerkit - which is the system that allows you to updated your address, add extra copies of the book and will charge the actual shipping cost.  Once we set up the Backerkit - it will send you an email and survey that you will fill out - you can updated quantities, change your address, etc. 

2. When will the survey go out?

We're hoping to get it out to you next month -- as soon as we can. Stay tuned. We will updated here when it's about to go out and let you know when to look for it!

Thank you so much for all the support and positive feedback! We're as excited as you are to get this book into our hands! 

-matt, jeff, and david!

almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 03, 2020 at 05:03:57 PM

Wow -- ! What a crazy month it's been. We just want to thank you for all your support in some pretty tumultuous times. It really means a lot to us that you've all been so engaged and enthusiastic.

We'll keep updating as David puts the finishing touches on the art - and we'll be putting a few fun surprises together along the way. Stay tuned. Next thing on the list is going to be some backgrounds for phones, computers, zoom, etc. Hopefully we'll have those up for you next week.

This book couldn't (and wouldn't) have happened without you!

In the meantime, stay safe and take care!

-matt, jeff, and david

PS - here are some pages straight out of David's sketchbook -- more to come! 

Shipping rate updates
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 08:40:14 AM

Finally a bit of good news. I found a UK fulfillment center (Shipquest) that we will be using to fulfill and ship all European and non-US/Canada orders. I've run some estimates of shipping and here they are -- again - just estimates based on current conditions in the world (that seem to be in flux more than usual) and also based on current exchange rates - so see these as ballpark figures not actual shipping. But these are much better - and should be close to real shipping cost numbers:

Based on current location of the backers we have I ran these specific numbers - but most of Europe is in the $18-20 range and Australia was the most. 

All amounts in (USD)

Germany - $20

France - $18

Spain - $21

Australia - $28

Mexico - $22

In addition - US/Canada should drop slightly as well - I'm just trying to err slightly on the high side to protect us from unforseen events that might raise costs, etc. but if all goes according to plan it will still just be these numbers or slightly cheaper.

Thanks to all of you for your support. It really means the world to us.


Updates: Shipping, Bookplates, Art...
almost 4 years ago – Thu, May 28, 2020 at 12:26:18 PM

So we’ve been exploring alternative shipping to EU and the UK. The news is disappointing. Given the oversized nature and weight of the book (approximately 3 pounds!) we have yet to find a rate that improves on our initial estimate from the US to Europe/EU.

There’s one more option we’re exploring -- a drop-shipment to England that would ship to all EU locations -- which (best-case-scenario) would shave about $10 (USD) off of the initial shipping quote (to England and the EU). We hope to have another update ASAP - as soon as those numbers come in - we will post them. But best case - it would be $10 (USD) less.

What we plan to do is keep working on fulfillment options. There is a lot of time between now and the time we need lock orders and ship. So know that the price won't go up - if anything, shipping costs will go down by $10 (USD). And hopefully, by the time we actually charge for shipping, the world will be in a better place and shipping will become both safer and more economical.

Everyone backing this project is super important to us. We wouldn't be here doing the work we love if it wasn't for each and every one of you.

Please know that we don’t take any of you or your pledges for granted. Everyone that's backed this project? You're making it happen. You've shaped it into the book it's going to be - with all the bells and whistles we've wanted to put into it - the design and format that no traditional publisher would let us get away with.

We’re putting everything we have into the making of the book.

David is working hard on drawing the book--he was so excited by the initial response he wanted to do something extra cool for backers which is why we decided to do the original art tiers. If you haven't seen his fairy-tale inspired images he's also been working on - you should definitely check out his twitter/Instagram feed. The pieces are amazing. We’ve decided to not post the three pieces of art today, since there were concerned it was a cash grab. That is not our intent.

Jeff’s currently locked away in a bunker working on a top secret project (which is also going to be amazing) - this is his first Kickstarter so he's learning along the way and doing as much as he can, given his current workload.

We're all working super-hard, writing, drawing, and sourcing vendors for shipping and coordinating printing. We will continue to post and reply through the life of the project - every step - the end of the Kickstarter campaign is really just the beginning of the journey - and we hope you'll stick around and be a part of it.

We’re incredibly proud of this book. The Kickstarter edition is a deluxe version for collectors and people who, like us, love books, especially books that are weird, crazy art objects. Any edition down the road won’t have gilded edges or a ribbon or the extra art. Our stretch goals reflected the suggestions of the fans that we could fulfill.

Working on Cosmic Detective has been bonkers. We are all pushing ourselves creatively in wild ways. There’s less than a week left and we’re incredibly grateful for all the support from readers around the world. Thanks for joining us on this wild ride.

Check out below for another sneak peak!
